Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cold Rice Salad

This is a recipe my mom made a lot when I was a kid. I am guessing I put a copy in the book because I liked it. I remember eatting it a lot and occassionally making it too.
Cold Rice Salad
2 cups each: cooked long grain white rice
cooked wild rice
1 cup each of the following
Onion - white or purple
Red Bell Pepper
Green Bell Pepper
1 15oz can each:
Garbanzo Beans
Red Beans
Black Eyed Peas
(drained and rinsed before mixing)
1/4 cup olive oil
3/4 cup red wine vinegar
4 tablespoons chopped Garlic
Tabasco Sauce to taste start with 1/2 teaspoon
Mix in a shaker cup.
Fold all ingredients together in large bowl.
Shake vinegrette and drizzle over salad
Salt and pepper to taste, stir a little
Chill a few hours or overnight is best.
Technical stuff: makes a lot. you can easily 1/2 the recipe and still have plenty
Difficulty: really easy. even easier with a rice cooker
Served with: We had ours with chicken
Reheat Well?: Lasts for several days, and I think it improves after sitting and absorbing the dressing.
Comments: The Chief commentator who loves rice, says this is a staple he could eat every week, which is good because we always make too much rice. Its good. I always add a dash of lemon juice to my bowl and way more tabasco... but I am like that.

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